Duplicate files finder sims 2
Duplicate files finder sims 2

duplicate files finder sims 2

#step 2.5, if no bones, generate a dummy boneīones = īones.pos = ()įile.write("%d \"%s\" %d\n"%(,,b.parentid))įile.write("%d %f %f %f %f %f %f\n"%(,cleanvalue(b.pos.x),cleanvalue(b.pos.y),cleanvalue(b.pos.z),cleanvalue(radians(b.rot.x)),cleanvalue(radians(b.rot.y)),cleanvalue(radians(b.rot.z)) )) Thisbone = Bone(len(bones),,pid,bone.matrix)īones.append(Bone(len(bones),,,b.matrix)) #Sept 20th 2007, Version 0.3: Added a check for vertex groups with no matching bones. #Sept 22nd 2007, V0.4: Added more error handlers. #Oct 27th 2007, V0.5: Added Normalization of bone weighting. Tooltip: 'Exports a smd file tailored for the sims 2' Window.FileSelector(import_smd, 'Import') Mesh.assignVertsToGroup( Bones].name, ,weight,1) Window.DrawProgressBar(0.95,'Weighting vertices') Window.DrawProgressBar(0.9,'Creating vertex groups') Window.DrawProgressBar(0.6,'Writing Faces') Window.DrawProgressBar(0.4,'Writing Vertices') Tmp.append(), float(words) ])įaceverts.append(add(verts,)+1) Window.DrawProgressBar(0.2,'Reading Mesh') If line.startswith('triangles') and import_mesh: Window.DrawProgressBar(0.1,'Reading Skeleton') If line.startswith('skeleton') and import_skeleton: Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0,'Reading Nodes')īones.append(Bone(int(words),bonename,int(words))) If line.startswith('nodes') and import_skeleton: If not Draw.PupBlock('Import.', pup_block): ('Skeleton' ,IMPORT_SKELETON, 'Import the Skeleton?') ('Mesh' ,IMPORT_MESH, 'Import the Mesh?'),\

duplicate files finder sims 2

Transmat = TranslationMatrix(Vector(x,y,z)) Rotmat = RotationMatrix(rx,4,'x') * RotationMatrix(ry,4,'y') * RotationMatrix(rz,4,'z')

duplicate files finder sims 2

# version 0.3: reAdded importing of normals(results in some duplicate vertices's but fixes the normal problem, still recalculating them, but this keeps it from merging vertices's with different normals) Tooltip: 'imports a smd file from sims 2(doubt it will work on other smd's)'

Duplicate files finder sims 2